Women’s month will be celebrated by Discovery Health this August by sharing articles and speaking to women as a whole and the different roles they play.
We will be developing a social media specific look and feel for this campaign that has considered the current state of women in our country and the best way to engage with them.
Campaign line
To communicate the different types of women we have around the world. The women who are Moms, the women who are strong, the women who are hurt, the women who are resilient, the woman who are heroes etc. I wanted to showcase each woman as an individual and to celebrate these women for who they are.
I created GIFs where the 'Women who are' stays the same throughout but the copy at the bottom will change from 'Fearless' to 'Honest' to 'Heroes' and the women will change according to each description. The GIFs were used for instagram stories as well as carried out into social media posts and twitter
Different layout options for static posts on Instagram. I used different ways of using the typography as well bring in the Discovery Health colours and gradient. For the imagery, I created a duotone look and feel by using the Discovery health colours. The imagery would be carried across all the other elements.
Different layout option for social media, where the copy sits on the left hand side of the post and it integrates with the images by getting cut off or overlapping the image depending on the copy used for each post.

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